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¡Ellos lo dicen mejor!

Abril Díaz
Hello, my name is Abril Lucía Díaz, and I’m currently working for Aerolíneas Argentinas, in the International Communications Area. I sat my Anglia Proficiency test in December 2017 and I remember I was very excited to do it because of the recognition. I was then working for a shop doing some administrative work and when I received my certificate I changed my CV, and started looking for a better job. Last year I got my new one thanks to Anglia, as one of the fundamental requirements for this position was to prove my level of English. Now I communicate in English every day with the rest of the world. I am very happy, because Anglia helped me get the better job I wanted. Besides the fact that certificates never expire, it really helps us a lot as students or workers to continue presenting them whenever English is required.
Eugenia Abril Fernández
Hi! I’m Eugenia Abril Fernandez and I’m studying medicine at Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI). I presented the Advanced certificate from Anglia (December 2018) last year and, thanks to it, I don’t have to take, or pay for, any level of English in my course of Studies. I was very much looking forward to this, as I can finish my University courses earlier, and I can continue studying for the Proficiency test in the near future. Once I graduate, I will be able to get a better job with a higher level Certificate of English; and it will very useful to me personally, as well, because I know that in my profession I will definitely need English for conferences, reading books, papers, etc. Having focused on reading writing, listening and speaking, I am sure that I am well prepared for my future as a doctor.

Yanina Distefano
I’ve got my Anglia Degree in Proficiency Level in 2005, and it was really very useful for my bachelor career in Public Relations (In John F. Kennedy University), where I had forty nine subjets in my study programme and English was four of them. Thanks to my Anglia Certificate, I didn’t have to do any new exam there. Also, I was working in an International Technology Enterprise where this language was required for my daily tasks. Nowadays, English is my main tool to develop my job because I work with countries from all over the world.
Ailén Simondi
Hi, my name is Aylen Simondi, I’m from Noetinger, Córdoba in Argentina, but I’m living in Córdoba City because im studying Psychology in the National University of Córdoba. I sat for the Advanced level of Anglia Examinations at English Language Institute, in the year 2015. When I started University, I presented my Anglia certificate and it was officially recognised, as a result, I don’t have to take any English subjects in my course of studies.

Bárbara Yamila Pacce
– Institución o Centro en donde se prepararon para su Examen Anglia: Dolo`s Classrooms.
– Nivel del Examen presentado y fecha en la cual se certificaron con Anglia: NIVEL B2, diciembre 2018.
Lo incorporé a mi CV y actualmente, soy la Reclutadora de Grupo Olmos, importante Holding Argentino con presencia en Medios de Comunicación (Grupo Crónica), Salud (Grupo BASA) y Seguros (Evolución Seguros).
Valentina Tallone
Estudié en Instituto Babel, Corral de Bustos, Córdoba. Presenté mi certificado Anglia Intermediate (B1) para irme de intercambio un año a India por medio del Rotary Club. Pude acreditar todos mis conocimientos de inglés en un país extranjero y totalmente diferente.

Juan Cruz Perez
Hello! I’m Juan Cruz and I’m studying Audiovisual Arts and Digital Marketing. It’s a pleasure for me to be a graduate student from Saint George Institute, located in Centenario, Neuquén; where I got my Anglia Advanced Certificate in 2016. Anglia is a very prestigious institution because of the recognition they offer. They take part in more than 40 countries! I presented my certificate at “Universidad Siglo 21” and thanks to it, I can participate in International Courses with teachers and students worldwide. I have to thank Anglia for preparing me for my future studies.
Alejandra Alcaraz
Hi! My name is Alejandra Alcaraz. I’m from Centenario, Neuquén, Argentina. I’m studying Chemical Engineering at Universidad Nacional del Comahue, and I’m currently working in an oil and gas company. I sat my Anglia Proficiency Exam in December 2008 at ISG Saint George Institute, and upon the presentation of it, I was exempt from having to attend regular English lessons at the three levels my University offers. Also, knowing English at such a high level helps me with my daily routine because I have to study and work with books, papers and programs in English, and it also enabled me to attend the Advanced Course as a foreign language at Chichester College, England, for a month in 2012. Anglia certificates are a great tool in my CV!

Ivana García
My name is Ivana García and I’m the CEO at SOSUNC (Health Insurance Department – National University of Comahue) in the Province of Neuquén, Argentina. I got my Anglia C1 certificate in 2017, when I was 42 years old. It was an important success to my personal development, especially two years later when I got my Masters degree in Political Management at the National University of Córdoba. In order to graduate I had to show proof of the fact that I had passed an internationally recognised English language test at, at least, B1 level and I submitted my Anglia Proficiency certificate. Now, with this certificate, I am able to apply for a job at international organizations such as the WHO (this is my dream!). My biggest thanks to my teachers at ISG ST GEORGE, because they instilled in me that there are no impossible projects when we really love what we do!
Paula Jachymiak
My name is Paula Jachymiak. I have studied in Babel Institute, in Corral de Bustos, Córdoba, Argentina. The last exam I did was Anglia Advanced level and the experience of doing this exam helped me to face exams at university, and to develop my speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in English. Besides, getting feedback from British teachers at Chichester College, when I travelled there, was an amazing opportunity to make an improvement in the different areas.

Lucía Candela Viñolo
Nivel acreditado Anglia C1- Instituto Saint George (ISG Institute). Centenario, Neuquén, Argentina. Estudio inglés desde muy pequeña y siempre me ha gustado. Anglia me permitió llevar el aprendizaje de este idioma a un nivel más elevado, el cual hoy se trata de mis estudios universitarios, donde la certificación obtenida me ha abierto las puertas a la maravillosa Facultad de Ciencias Biomédicas (FCB) de la Universidad Austral (UA) en Pilar, Buenos Aires, Argentina. El certificado del nivel de inglés presentado ante las autoridades fue suficiente para acreditar mi nivel de idioma extranjero. Además, Anglia Ibero-America me brindó la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia única estudiando en la Escuela de Lenguas de Chichester College, Inglaterra.
Luz Stella Solorzano
Hello, my name is LUZ STELLA SOLORZANO. I am an English teacher at a public school in Soacha, Colombia. I prepared for my English exam with the local INCSEP agent, at level C1 (Anglia Proficiency) in June 2016. I presented my accreditation to my school and to the National Ministry of Education and it was accepted. The Anglia exam seems important to me to be able to study in other countries and improve the quality of life. They also have a longer validity period than other exams, covering the essential aspects to verify proficiency in the foreign language. I am proud to certify my English with Anglia!

Dante Pirotto
Instituto Babel, Corral de Bustos, Córdoba, Argentina.
Advanced (B2) 2018.
Entidad: Rotary Internacional.
Cuando me presenté en Rotary con intenciones de realizar un intercambio cultural, mi certificado de Anglia tenía mucho peso en el proceso evaluativo, lo que me permitió aplicar para el viaje con la certeza de que mi nivel de inglés era ideal para relacionarme con personas de todo el mundo.
Fausto Quadri
Instituto Babel, Corral de Bustos, Córdoba, Argentina.
Este verano estuve durante 5 semanas estudiando inglés en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda. Gracias a los exámenes internacionales de Anglia y la preparación que realizo todos los años para rendirlos, pude saber en qué nivel de inglés me encontraba para poder decir en qué nivel iniciaría el curso. También me ayudó a la hora de hacer el examen de ingreso y de fin de curso, ya que sabía lo que era un examen internacional y lo pude hacer más relajado. Además del examen escrito, tuve que realizar diversas entrevistas orales y me sucedió lo mismo que en los exámenes escritos.
Por otro lado, prepararme y realizar exámenes orales de Anglia me sirvió que a la hora de debatir un tema en clase, o con amigos de otros países sabía cómo defenderme y participar en la conversación. También cuando en clases debíamos hacer presentaciones sobre algún tema, ya que los últimos exámenes orales de Anglia que hice tenían consignas de exponer o debatir un tema.

Antonella magali Morelli
St. George Institute, Centenario, Neuquén, Argentina.
I am Antonella Morelli, 22, from Centenario, Neuquén where I studied English as a second language at St.George Institute. During those years as an English student I learnt a new way to express myself in another language. My teachers introduced me to, and taught me many tools which helped me to sit for my Anglia exam.
I got my Anglia degree at Proficiency level in 2017 and nowadays it helps me in my university studies allowing me understand nursing papers and books.
Maria Victoria Fernandez
Instituto Babel, Corral de Bustos, Córdoba, Argentina.
PROFICIENCY (C1) – November 2018
Por haber rendido este examen, pude aprovechar la opción en mi facultad para reconocer la materia Inglés en mi carrera, Agronegocios. Me pareció una muy buena oportunidad, ya que es un mérito para los alumnos que anteriormente se esforzaron para lograr mejorar su nivel de inglés. También pude disfrutar de un intercambio de 5 semanas en Auckland, gracias a este certificado de Anglia.

Miguel Cazorla Peña
English Centre – College of languages, Almería, España
Según mi experiencia en la realización del examen de Anglia tengo que decir que su disposición me fue muy cómoda y se ajustó a lo que nos indicaron que iba a ser. Su distribución en las distintas partes estuvo muy bien coordinada y no tuve ningún problema de entendimiento en su ejecución, incluso cuando yo fui el primero en hacer la parte de Speaking; pues con algo de nervios abrevié sin problema ninguno. En cuanto al uso que le he dado a este título, son varios: en primer lugar la posibilidad de obtener una beca Erasmus y también el pasaporte para que me den el título del grado que estoy realizando en la Universidad de Almería.
Luis Navarro Cano
The English Centre – College of Languages, Almería, España
Pues el examen era tal y como trabajamos en el curso intensivo, los profesores todos muy entregados a los alumnos y buenas sensaciones con ellos. El título me ha servido, aparte de habilitarme para poder reclamar el título de mi grado en la Universidad de Almería, también para acceder al programa Erasmus.

Alejandro Márquez
Anglia Advanced (B2) Level – English Centre – College of Languages
Almeria, España.
Universidad de Melilla
Mi experiencia en este curso fue muy buena, te explicaban perfectamente las partes del examen a desarrollar. Cada parte estaba impartida por un profesor distinto, experto en la materia, y muy bien coordinadas. Además, contaban con una profesora nativa.
Este curso y examen los he realizado para poder acceder a un Master de Profesorado.

María Gabriela Bárcenas Pérez
St. John´s School of English – Ferrol, Galicia, La Coruña, Spain.
Hello! My name is María Gabriela Bárcenas Pérez.
Thanks to my Anglia Certificate, I have just got my degree from the Santiago de Compostela University. I had just finished my studies and I was required to show my English language proficiency, so I chose Anglia because it is simple and flexible!
Sonia Vera
English Cultural Center (E.C.C.) – Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
It is a pleasure for me to be part of the experience with Anglia Examinations, England, a very important international recognition and, above all, updated learning on trends in the English language in all fields to be applied. I would particularly like to thank the E.C.C. institute, because through this institution I have had the access to certify each level here in Paraguay. So that I am deeply honored, especially, for having taken and obtained one of the most valuable to me, which is the CITE (Certificate for International Teachers of English) Test. It supports, qualifies my studies, helps me to apply and get competitive workplaces. Therefore, with this I have achieved one of my fundamental objectives: “To promote significant changes that help to build better societies, through innovative teaching methodologies”, a fundamental strategy of education and the promotion of culture, for progress and well-being in educational communities. Overall, it has made a great positive impact on my academic, personal and work life, which I am deeply proud of.

Julie Naomi Lauseker Chamorro
When I was younger, my mom motivated me to take as many international exams as I could get my hands on, I didn´t have any uses for them right away, but when a scholarship opportunity presented itself, having the Anglia Examinations on my portfolio made the difference. Being the only student from Paraguay who got accepted into UCD, University College Dublin, would have been impossible without the Anglia Examinations. Studying in Ireland changed my life, and now I work to promote and help students from my country to access international education.
Adriana Cobos García
INCSEP – Cundinamarca, Colombia
My name is Adriana Cobos García, I am an English teacher at a municipal institution in the department of Cundinamarca near Bogotá. I have presented my Anglia exam, levels B2 and C1 on 2 occasions, I feel happy and proud because this exam has shown me my ability to interact in English. I have also prepared students in the knowledge of a foreign language such as English as well as for an international exam. I recommend to all my colleagues and acquaintances the Anglia exams because they are in line with the the Common European Framework, they assess the 4 skills and the local representative guides us with clear instructions through the process of studying and succeeding in achieving recognition the level we are.

Pedro A. Restrepo
R&M English Services Bucaramanga- Colombia
C2 Masters & Anglia Certificate in Applied Translation.
Santander Government, Humber College Canada, MCIS Canada, Corporación CES Colombia.
Having obtained two Anglia Certificates (C2 Masters and Certificate in Applied translation) has been one of the best and most rewarding experiences in my life. The quality of the test, the examiners and the support that I received made me feel very proud of belonging to the Anglia Family.
The test is tough, thorough and focused on the student’s real skills, not on his/her ability to answer exams as with other tests, which makes the results highly reliable as to the real competences the test-taker has.
Thanks a lot to INCSEP Colombia for bringing such Quality Educational Resources to our country.
Georgina Zabel
Hola, mi nombre es Georgina Zabel, soy abogada.
El año 2019 invertí mi tiempo estudiando Inglés por un año en el Instituto Santiago Canclini con la profesora María Inés Mahiquez; quien con su gran dedicación y calidad humana me alentó a prepararme y rendir el examen «INTERNACIONAL ADULT STEP 2 DE ANGLIA EXAMINATIONS», lo que significó una superación académica importante; pues dicho certificado forma parte de mi curriculum de antecedentes y formación presentado ante el Consejo de la Magistratura de la Provincia de Misiones, para concursar para un cargo en el Poder Judicial de la provincia de Misiones.

Angelina Manfredi
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Angelina Manfredi. Soy de Cruz Alta, Córdoba, Argentina.
Estoy estudiando Ingeniería Ambiental en UCA (Universidad Católica Argentina), sede Rosario. Estudié inglés en el Instituto Springland y rendí los exámenes de Anglia cada año. En el 2018 rendí mi examen Avanzado de Anglia (B2).
Gracias a esto, pude validar mi Evaluación de Nivel de Idioma Inglés, requisito curricular para ingresar a tercer año de mi carrera.